বুধবার, ২৪ জুলাই, ২০১৩

Making a Difference: Edith Bullock sends gift boxes to the troops

Edith Bullock

Edith Bullock fills packages with various items for troops in Afghanistan with Jennifer Kiger recently at the American Legion Post 235 in Fort Walton Beach.


Published: Monday, July 22, 2013 at 17:00 PM.

Editor's Note: This series recognizes people who make a difference in their communities. To nominate someone, call Wendy Victora at 315-4478 or email wvictora@nwfdailynews.com.

For nearly 10 years, Edith Bullock has spent much of her time making people she?s never met and will likely never see feel a little better.

Bullock has made it her tradition to send gift boxes to military personnel serving overseas using her own time and resources as well as anyone else?s who wishes to help.

?It gives you a good feeling,? said Bullock. ?We get attached to them. They feel like a friend even if you?ve never met them.?

Bullock says she tries to send a box every two weeks that includes handwritten notes, snacks and any special requests the service members might have.

Bullock says as a military wife and mother she thought making service members feel appreciated was something important. She says she spent more than 50 years watching her husband and then her daughter sacrifice time with friends and family for their country.

?I?d like to know she was appreciated for what she gave up,? Bullock said. ?I sent her boxes and I know it meant something to her. I want to do that for others too.?

Bullock said in recent years American Legion Post 235 has sponsored boxes, but she is always willing to take money or gift donations from people in the community. She is also willing to add to the list of recipients receiving boxes.

?They?re all over the world,? Bullock said. ?They need to know they?re appreciated.?

Contact Daily News Staff Writer Angel McCurdy at 850-315-4432 or amccurdy@nwfdailynews.com. Follow her on Twitter @AngelMnwfdn.

Source: http://www.nwfdailynews.com/local/making-a-difference-edith-bullock-sends-gift-boxes-to-the-troops-1.176170

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