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Alconox Inc. has been a leader in critical cleaning detergents since 1946 ? manufacturing quality detergent made in the U.S. and distributed internationally for hard surface cleaning applications in the laboratory, health care, and industrial fields.

The Challenge

The company contacted SageRock in 2001, looking for a partner in online marketing. Still together after ten years, this partnership has blossomed as we learn the trends of each other?s business and tackle the changing online environment together.

SageRock implements:

  • 2001-2004: SEO, Paid Search, and Email Marketing
  • 2005- 2009:? +Network Banner Ads, Blog Creation, Video, Site Redesign
  • 2010-Present: +Social Media Campaign Management and Integration, iPad app

Result Highlights

Year over year, innovative services have been layered upon the effective previous tactics to establish Alconox as the international online leader in critical cleaning.

  • Paid Search ? Conversion costs cut 50% year over year since 2009. Conversion volume up 25% 2010 to 2011.
  • SEO ? #1 in Google, Bing and Yahoo for target phrase: Critical Cleaning Detergent. Also #2 in Google for Critical Cleaning @ 58mil competitors.
  • Social Media ? 100% conversion rate on LinkedIn Ad campaigns.
  • Email ? 17 industry segmented emails w/ average open rate @ 20% and targeted open rate up to 42%.


Email Newsletters:

These newsletters are getting excellent open rates, click throughs and resulting literature, tech question and sample requests.? Year to date the email newsletter program has resulted in 158 people filling out one of the online offer forms for literature and/or samples and 96 of those had some kind of additional comment or question ? 2/3 of those in the desirable pharma, med device and restaurant world.? The additional comment or question ones tend to potentially lead to business sooner as they often indicate a more immediate need rather than a longer term general interest.

Malcolm McLaughlin
Vice President, Product & Business Development


Social Media / Blog:

Great new lead found us by putting ?Alkaline Cleaner? in to Google, and our blog on critical cleaning came up 3rd, even though he noticed we came up 1st in organic. ?On the basis of looking at the blog, he called us before the competition.

I was able to give him all sorts of technical advice, validation support ideas, etc. ? I believe we have a high degree of likely hood of getting this account.? I have no idea what [the dollar value] will actually be ? it feels bigger from having spoken with the guy.? As a result of what I am sending, I am sure we will have ongoing dialogue.? He seemed very pleased and said ?Wow, I really found the right people, thank you so much.?

In any case,?the lead?came from a?blog.alconox.com?listing that came up highly in Google.? So things work the way they are supposed to!

Malcolm McLaughlin
Vice President, Product & Business Development


Above Average ? The Big Picture

SageRock enables Alconox to soar above industry averages for search traffic, meaning more potential customers who do not yet know the Alconox brand (Direct) find it through Internet research (Search).? Also note that organic (free) search, from 10 years of SEO effort, is the highest source of Alconox traffic.


Percentage of Traffic Alconox ? Direct 15% vs. 35% average. Search Engines 73% vs. 27%.

Source: http://www.sagerock.com/blog/alconox-case-study/

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