বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)

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?Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3643010
United States
11/27/2012 10:53 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationOfficials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)An event occurred at the sinkhole around 11:30 pm today which is being considered as a ?burp?. Vegetative debris and hydrocarbons came up from below the sinkhole. A few trees in the southwest corner did fall in however most of the debris came from below the sinkhole. Texas Brine removed all crews from the sinkhole and is checking the boom surrounding the area to make sure everything is in tact.
breaking-officials-event-has-occurred-at-sinkhole-entire-surf?ace-appears-covered-in-thick-black-oil-videoAnonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 3643010
United States
11/27/2012 10:54 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)XanaduDWI

User ID: 26154934
United States
11/27/2012 11:04 PM

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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)my2centsworth

User ID: 5382682
11/27/2012 11:10 PM

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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

do nothing dange


User ID: 25020314
United States
11/27/2012 11:15 PM

Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

do nothing dange

?Quoting: my2centsworth

praaaayeeerrrr amen to that!


User ID: 27274183
United States
11/27/2012 11:36 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)The helicorders have been showing activity all day down there.

1200 [link to folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu]
0000 [link to folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu]

Ours in southeast Texas have also been showing a steady movement as if something is flowing down under. hiding

[link to www.ig.utexas.edu]

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 27245451
11/27/2012 11:43 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)"An event occurred at the sinkhole around 11:30 pm today which is being considered as a ?burp?. Vegetative debris and hydrocarbons came up from below the sinkhole. A few trees in the southwest corner did fall in however most of the debris came from below the sinkhole. Texas Brine removed all crews from the sinkhole and is checking the boom surrounding the area to make sure everything is in tact."

so we have a swamp fart

so what

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 28600556
United States
11/27/2012 11:45 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

:do nothing dange:

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Are you one of the ones doing something or is that just a cute pic for all of your friends to agree with you?


User ID: 28620632
United States
11/27/2012 11:58 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

do nothing dange

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Oh my . . . that . . . is . . . such . . . a sad photo.



User ID: 28620632
United States
11/28/2012 12:04 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Ours in southeast Texas have also been showing a steady movement as if something is flowing down under. hiding

[link to www.ig.utexas.edu]

?Quoting: belay

Wow, that chart is active. I've never heard of Hockley.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 25020314
United States
11/28/2012 12:25 AM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

:do nothing dange:

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Are you one of the ones doing something or is that just a cute pic for all of your friends to agree with you?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28600556


So......Just what EXACTLY are YOU doing to help so we might follow your lead?
Or are you just some asshole with an attitude problem?

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 28621514
United States
11/28/2012 12:31 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

:do nothing dange:

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Ironic caption for that picture... so instead of grabbing that dog and taking him to shelter and food, someone just took a picture of it.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 15292827
United States
11/28/2012 12:40 AM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)

The birth of a new Caldera just wait till the blowout.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 8693932
United States
11/28/2012 12:46 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

:do nothing dange:

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Ironic caption for that picture... so instead of grabbing that dog and taking him to shelter and food, someone just took a picture of it.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28621514

Judge not. But do pray.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 20025513
11/28/2012 12:47 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Get out of there. The next event could be the Big One. A Burp thats polite for a total collaspe and rupture of the bowels of the Earth. That sinkhole is thousands of feet deep. Thats why there is H2S present. Thats why they won't disclose the percentage of H2S.

This is the last time I will say get the fuck out of there. Get far away. Get at least 200 miles away. The whole coast has destabilized. My family is on there way home and they were 350km away from that mess. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Its more than just a sinkhole. Way more.

Leave the area and get off the coast. LOOK AROUND THE WORLD. Look at everything going on and then you will understand what I'm saying.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 28576996
United States
11/28/2012 12:51 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

:do nothing dange:

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Are you one of the ones doing something or is that just a cute pic for all of your friends to agree with you?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28600556


So......Just what EXACTLY are YOU doing to help so we might follow your lead?
Or are you just some asshole with an attitude problem?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25020314

Compassion, without action, is irrelevant.



User ID: 26588888
United States
11/28/2012 12:54 AM

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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)endoftimes101

User ID: 8915967
United States
11/28/2012 12:58 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

do nothing dange

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Ironic caption for that picture... so instead of grabbing that dog and taking him to shelter and food, someone just took a picture of it.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28621514

Judge not. But do pray.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8693932

Praying is what people say when they don't want to do anything at all. It makes the person feel good - but nothing more.


Anonymous Coward
User ID: 18850150
United States
11/28/2012 12:58 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO).

AC 20025513 posted: " Leave the area and get off the coast.

LOOK AROUND THE WORLD. Look at everything going on and
then you will understand what I'm saying
. "


please explain



User ID: 8915967
United States
11/28/2012 12:59 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Get out of there. The next event could be the Big One. A Burp thats polite for a total collaspe and rupture of the bowels of the Earth. That sinkhole is thousands of feet deep. Thats why there is H2S present. Thats why they won't disclose the percentage of H2S.

This is the last time I will say get the fuck out of there. Get far away. Get at least 200 miles away. The whole coast has destabilized. My family is on there way home and they were 350km away from that mess. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Its more than just a sinkhole. Way more.

Leave the area and get off the coast. LOOK AROUND THE WORLD. Look at everything going on and then you will understand what I'm saying.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20025513

There is absolutely nothing that indicates anything major is going on down there. Sinkholes are a dime a dozen. This one is no different. The whole coast isn't going anywhere. A huge disaster is not unfolding.

Stop scaring people


Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1246336
United States
11/28/2012 01:01 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)

:do nothing dange:

?Quoting: my2centsworth

that is the quote of our lifetime.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 18850150
United States
11/28/2012 01:02 AM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Gulf of Mexico = "lake of fire" ??


Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1246336
United States
11/28/2012 01:02 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein


Anonymous Coward
User ID: 12650050
United States
11/28/2012 01:04 AM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO) [link to www.klfy.com]

does that sound right to you?

don't forget about that explosion in Minden..

Reports of meteor.. was believed to be a meteor for a lot of hours and then they said it was a bunker explosion..


does that sound about right?


User ID: 23192549
United States
11/28/2012 01:06 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Get out of there. The next event could be the Big One. A Burp thats polite for a total collaspe and rupture of the bowels of the Earth. That sinkhole is thousands of feet deep. Thats why there is H2S present. Thats why they won't disclose the percentage of H2S.

This is the last time I will say get the fuck out of there. Get far away. Get at least 200 miles away. The whole coast has destabilized. My family is on there way home and they were 350km away from that mess. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Its more than just a sinkhole. Way more.

Leave the area and get off the coast. LOOK AROUND THE WORLD. Look at everything going on and then you will understand what I'm saying.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20025513

You're being very cryptic - explain what you think is happening and how what's happening in the rest of the world has anything to do with it, please. I don't disagree nor am I looking to prove you wrong, just looking for why you feel this way.


Anonymous Coward
User ID: 10783814
United States
11/28/2012 01:08 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO) [link to www.klfy.com]

does that sound right to you?

don't forget about that explosion in Minden..

Reports of meteor.. was believed to be a meteor for a lot of hours and then they said it was a bunker explosion..


does that sound about right?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12650050

Oh shit.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 20025513
11/28/2012 01:14 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Get out of there. The next event could be the Big One. A Burp thats polite for a total collaspe and rupture of the bowels of the Earth. That sinkhole is thousands of feet deep. Thats why there is H2S present. Thats why they won't disclose the percentage of H2S.

This is the last time I will say get the fuck out of there. Get far away. Get at least 200 miles away. The whole coast has destabilized. My family is on there way home and they were 350km away from that mess. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Its more than just a sinkhole. Way more.

Leave the area and get off the coast. LOOK AROUND THE WORLD. Look at everything going on and then you will understand what I'm saying.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20025513

You're being very cryptic - explain what you think is happening and how what's happening in the rest of the world has anything to do with it, please. I don't disagree nor am I looking to prove you wrong, just looking for why you feel this way.


?Quoting: Joshus

The Sea Bed has fractured. The pressure under the Sea Bed and under the Land mass has increased. H2S comes from deep deep places. This is not somthing that has accumulated. Thats why they plugged the relief well off. They can't control it. Thats why there is a Expert seimologist on site right now watching and monitoring things. He himself is in charge of also monitoring the NEW MADRID. It was in the paper who he is. When he leaves you leave. Do you understand now.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 28620632
United States
11/28/2012 01:59 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Get out of there. The next event could be the Big One. A Burp thats polite for a total collaspe and rupture of the bowels of the Earth. That sinkhole is thousands of feet deep. Thats why there is H2S present. Thats why they won't disclose the percentage of H2S.

This is the last time I will say get the fuck out of there. Get far away. Get at least 200 miles away. The whole coast has destabilized. My family is on there way home and they were 350km away from that mess. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Its more than just a sinkhole. Way more.

Leave the area and get off the coast. LOOK AROUND THE WORLD. Look at everything going on and then you will understand what I'm saying.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20025513

There is absolutely nothing that indicates anything major is going on down there. Sinkholes are a dime a dozen. This one is no different. The whole coast isn't going anywhere. A huge disaster is not unfolding.

Stop scaring people

?Quoting: endoftimes101

Wow, are you uninformed.

You must know zero about oil/gas drilling, methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc.

Educate yourself, read the abundant info online about the industry practices, as well as threads here . . . then come back and tell us it's no big deal.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 28620632
United States
11/28/2012 02:00 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)Get out of there. The next event could be the Big One. A Burp thats polite for a total collaspe and rupture of the bowels of the Earth. That sinkhole is thousands of feet deep. Thats why there is H2S present. Thats why they won't disclose the percentage of H2S.

This is the last time I will say get the fuck out of there. Get far away. Get at least 200 miles away. The whole coast has destabilized. My family is on there way home and they were 350km away from that mess. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Its more than just a sinkhole. Way more.

Leave the area and get off the coast. LOOK AROUND THE WORLD. Look at everything going on and then you will understand what I'm saying.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20025513

You're being very cryptic - explain what you think is happening and how what's happening in the rest of the world has anything to do with it, please. I don't disagree nor am I looking to prove you wrong, just looking for why you feel this way.


?Quoting: Joshus

The Sea Bed has fractured. The pressure under the Sea Bed and under the Land mass has increased. H2S comes from deep deep places. This is not somthing that has accumulated. Thats why they plugged the relief well off. They can't control it. Thats why there is a Expert seimologist on site right now watching and monitoring things. He himself is in charge of also monitoring the NEW MADRID. It was in the paper who he is. When he leaves you leave. Do you understand now.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20025513

BP compromised a fault line . . . repercussions are playing out.


User ID: 22386921
United States
11/28/2012 02:13 AM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)

Awesome, fire up the pumpjacks!


User ID: 28589873
United States
11/28/2012 02:17 AM

Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: Officials: ?Event? has occurred at giant sinkhole ? Surface appears covered in thick black oil (VIDEO)I hope with all my heart that the people of that area stay safe... My heart goes out to them as they deal with issue after issue in that area.

do nothing dange

?Quoting: my2centsworth

Ironic caption for that picture... so instead of grabbing that dog and taking him to shelter and food, someone just took a picture of it.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28621514

Judge not. But do pray.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8693932

Don't use that false excuse.

1 Timothy 3:16 KJV
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Isaiah 9:6 KJV
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Mark 16:16 KJV
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Acts 2:38 KJV
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Romans 8:6-9 KJV
6) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7) Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8) So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
9) But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Matthew 15:8-9 KJV
8) This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9) But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

"Karma doesn't exist, so why should I care about the "karma" that you give me? It is not you whom I seek to please, but my Father. In all honesty, if you cannot accept that, then that is not my problem. I cannot force you to see what I see, I can only show you how, as that is the love of God. If you must, give me negative "karma" times infinity, if that makes you sleep better at night. However, that will not change me, nor the messages that Father has enabled me to preach and share. Above all else, it will not change the Truth. May Father continue to bless you all.

Acts 5:29 KJV
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Glory be to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!!!

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Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2064486/pg1

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