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BroadbandBreakfast.com Co-Sponsors VCXC's ?Start!Forum ...

Sylvia V Syracuse, Director of Marketing and Events, BroadbandBreakfast.com

WASHINGTON, Thursday, May 23, 2013 ? The internet policy news and events service BroadbandBreakfast.com will co-sponsor VCXC?s (Voice Communication Exchange) June 12,?2013 ?Start!Forum? at Wiley Rein, 1776 K Street NW in Washington, DC.

Use promocode ?BBBC? for free registration at http://vcxc.org/june12th?.

The VCXC Start!Forum marks the first annual meeting of the telecom ?industry?s historic transition to all-IP networks. The VCXC Start!?Campaign speeds the transition by facilitating industry dialogue and? engaging the public during ?briefings, beta testing, and webinars. The clock started for a six? year all hands on deck transformation of telecom to HD voice and ?all-IP networks at VCXC?s June 15, 2012 IP Transition as Grand? Challenge event.? The day covers three themes addressing the breadth of the issues ?driving the transition to all-IP networks ? IP Communications as a new? force shaping geopolitics, Moore?s Law and software innovation driven ?networks and services, and the?coming transformation of communication policy. The event provides a?unique networking opportunity for the diverse groups working to?realize a bright future for the communication industry and?communicating public.

Telecommunications experts, policy-makers, journalists, government?officials and others following the transition to all-IP networks are?invited to attend this event.

Speakers include:

Richard Wiley, Partner, Wiley Rein?. Mr. Wiley heads the firm?s 80-attorney Communications Practice, the ?largest in the nation. As Chairman of the Federal Communications? Commission (FCC), he advocated increased competition and lessened? regulation in the communications? field. Mr. Wiley played a pivotal role in the development of HDTV in?this country, serving for nine years as Chairman of the FCC?s Advisory ?Committee on Advanced Television Service. He represents a number of ?major communications-?oriented organizations, including Verizon, AT&T, Newspaper Association?of America, Motorola, Viacom/CBS, Sirius Satellite Radio, LG and?Toshiba.?Mr. Wiley also is a frequent author and lecturer on?telecommunications and information law.

Peggy Johnson, President Global Market Development, Qualcomm.? Ms. Johnson is responsible for commercializing new business ?opportunities and developing strategic relationships for the company.?Notably, she oversees Qualcomm Labs, a wholly owned subsidiary of? Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. that ?serves as an incubator focused on launching new businesses and? products, as well as exploring new market segments for Qualcomm ?technologies. Johnson also serves as a member of Qualcomm?s executive? committee.

George Gilder, Publisher, Gilder Technology Report. ?George Gilder is chairman of Gilder Group, Inc. and a senior fellow at? Seattle?s Discovery Institute, where he directs Discovery?s program on ?high Technology and Democracy. Gilder is a contributing editor at ?Forbes, a frequent writer ?for major business publications and the author of several books on ?society, politics, and economics. His books on emerging technologies ?and technology sectors, including Microcosm, Life After Television,?Telecosm, and The Silicon Eye.

The event will take place at the Wiley Rein Conference Center, 1776 K?St. NW, Washington, DC, ?9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Registration opens at 8:30?a.m.?Registration required via http://vcxc.org/june12th?

The Broadband Breakfast Club schedule can be viewed at? http://broadbandbreakfastseries.eventbrite.com?.

For More Information Contact:

Sylvia Syracuse

Director of Marketing and Events




Tagged with: broadband, Universal Service Fund, VoIP

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Source: http://broadbandbreakfast.com/2013/05/broadbandbreakfast-com-co-sponsors-vcxcs-startforum-addressing-the-ip-transition-at-wiley-rein-june-12th/

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