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Kids say the Funniest things | ptpamedia.com

Our four year old had an?appointment?with the speech?pathologist?yesterday. The?appointment?was to assess her speech . ?After 40 minutes of interview like questions and forms to fill out we found out that our daughter needs to see the speech pathologist?weekly and is considered severe.

While we were there the very friendly lady who was working with our daughter showed her some flashcards. The idea was to get our daughter to say what was on the card or what the people/animals on the card were doing. Most were pretty basic and very easy for S to figure out. Two she answered and not only surprised us all but made us laugh with her answers.

The Speech?Pathologist?showed her this card (similar)

horse-150x132 Kids say the Funniest things She was expecting S to say that the Horse was jumping. Instead she got ?He is trying to escape!? The speech?pathologist?says ?Oh, okay But I think he is just jumping? ?Can you say ?the horse is jumping the fence??

S replies ?Horses do not jump!?

The speech?pathologist?looks at me and smiles then say ?They do jump and they are great jumpers? Still trying to test out the J sound.

S replies ?I don?t think so!?

LOL it was obviously time to move onto the next word and flashcard. There was no convincing her. (Add to my to do list to take daughter where she can see ?horses jumping)

The next flash card was something like this cartoon-swimming-laps-150x150 Kids say the Funniest things

The Speech lady ?looks at S and says ?What is in the picture??

S replies ?A lady?

Speech?Pathologist?asks ?What is the lady doing??

S replies ?Calling for help?

Still trying to get her to say ?Swimming? She asks again

This time S replies with ?She is drowning?

It was very cute and we all had a laugh. Kids have no filter and often see things differently no matter how much we try to convince them otherwise. I often worry about what will come out of my kids mouths when strangers are around.

Have you ever had your kids say something funny or?embarrassing?

Source: http://www.ptpamedia.com/blog/index.php/2013/02/02/kids-say-the-funniest-things/

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