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Swanson Russell Hits $100 Million Milestone

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Swanson Russell

LINCOLN, Neb. --(Ammoland.com)- For the first time in its 50-year history, Swanson Russell has surpassed $100 million in capitalized billings.

Capitalized billings are an industry standard used by agencies as a uniform means of comparing agencies that offer a variety of services.

?In our industry, becoming a $100 million agency is a significant milestone,? said Dave Hansen, partner and chief executive officer of Swanson Russell.? ?It has been a stated goal of ours and we are very excited to announce this achievement. One hundred million is certainly a milestone that elevates our status on a national level.?

Ten years ago, Swanson Russell?s capitalized billings stood at around $50 million.? In 2011, capitalized billings reached $90 million.? In 2012, the agency not only exceeded the $100 million mark, but also celebrated its 50th anniversary and grew to employ more than 150 people.

?2012 was a pretty special year for us,? said Brian Boesche, partner and chief creative officer.? ?The biggest key to our success is great people.? The agency business is a people business and we?ve been able to hire and retain people who are excellent strategists, creative thinkers, and who are committed to making things happen for our clients.?

Swanson Russell was founded in 1962 by the late Warren M. ?Gus? Swanson.? Steve Russell served as president for 25 years and oversaw much of the growth that has occurred. He currently serves as chairman of the board.? Boesche and Hansen purchased the agency from Russell in 2007 and now own and operate the agency.

Swanson Russell has offices in Lincoln and Omaha and offers full service advertising/marketing communications, including branding, media, public relations, database and interactive and social media services. In addition to working with local and regional clients, the agency is nationally recognized for expertise in agriculture, healthcare, outdoor recreation, construction and the green industry.

For more information about Swanson Russell?s Real Connection? visit www.swansonrussell.com.

Source: http://www.ammoland.com/2013/02/swanson-russell-hits-100-million-milestone/

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Freescale fashions world's smallest ARM-powered microcontroller

Freescale fashions world's smallest ARM-powered microcontroller

If you're looking for an exceedingly tiny ARM-based microcontroller, Freescale says it's just cooked up the world's smallest. Dubbed the Kinetis KL02, the piece of kit is 25 precent smaller than the previous record-holder and measures up at a 1.9 x 2.00 x 0.56 millimeters. Having trouble visualizing exactly how small that is? Just take a gander at the photo above. A 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ processor has made it onto the wafer-level chip-scale package and it's paired with 32KB of flash memory and 4KB of RAM. The outfit reckons it'll be a good match for 'internet of things' devices that are tight on space, and says it beats its older L Series kin in power efficiency. Manufacturer sampling for the KL02 is slated for March, while wide availability is penciled in for July, and it'll set buyers back 75 cents a piece when purchased in 100,000-unit loads. Hit the jump for more details in the press release.

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Source: Freescale

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/27/freescale-worlds-smallest-arm-powered-microcontroller/

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Rosa Parks honored with statue

Politicians unveiled a new statue of Rosa Parks in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. Parks, the woman who's refusal to give up her bus seat spurred a year-long bus boycott in 1955, is the first black woman to be honored with a full-sized statue in Statuary Hall.?

By Suzanne Gamboa,?Associated Press / February 27, 2013

U.S. President Barack Obama (L) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R) applaud as they look at the statue of Rosa Parks after its unveiling in the U.S. Capitol in Washington February 27, 2013.

REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


The nation's most powerful politicians honored?Rosa?Parks?on Wednesday by unveiling her statue in a permanent place in the U.S. Capitol. President Barack Obama praised?Parks?as an enduring reminder of what true leadership requires, "no matter how humble or lofty our positions."

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Parks?became the first black woman to be depicted in a full-length statue in the Capitol's Statuary Hall. A bust of another black woman, abolitionist Sojourner Truth, sits in the Capitol Visitors Center.

"We do well by placing a statue of her here," Obama said. "But we can do no greater honor to her memory than to carry forward the power of her principle and a courage born of conviction."

The unveiling brought Obama, House Speaker John Boehner and other congressional leaders together in the midst of a fierce standoff over automatic spending cuts set to go into effect on Friday.

Setting that conflict aside, Obama and Boehner stood on either side of a blue drape, tugging and pulling in opposite directions on a braided cord until the cover fell to reveal a 2,700-pound bronze statue of a seated Parks, her hair in a bun under a hat, her hands crossed over her lap and clasping her purse. Obama gazed up at it, and touched its arm.

At the same time across the street, conservative Supreme Court justices voiced skepticism about the relevance of the Voting Rights Act, one of the major legislative victories of the movement to which?Parks devoted her life.

Parks' civil rights movement colleague Jesse Jackson, whose son former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. sponsored the bill to place?Parks' statue in the Capitol, said?Parks?"fought her way into history," and on three occasions, took literacy tests required of blacks who wanted to vote. She passed all three, Jackson said.

Parks' statue is positioned between those of suffragist Frances E. Willard and John Gorrie, considered the father of refrigeration and air conditioning. Boehner, R-Ohio, pointed out that?Parks' gaze seems to fall directly onto a statue of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy.

"Here in the hall, she casts an unlikely silhouette ? unassuming in a lineup of proud stares, challenging all of us once more to look up and to draw strength from stillness," Boehner said.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/LDbxvygaZHY/Rosa-Parks-honored-with-statue

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Yemen's ousted leader urges 'forgiveness'

SANAA, Yemen (AP) ? In his first public speech in more than 18 months, Yemen's ousted autocratic leader Ali Abdullah Saleh pleaded for "forgiveness of the past" on Wednesday amid warnings of U.N. sanctions and calls for prosecution of those responsible for the deaths of protesters during the 2011 uprising.

His speech in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa marked the first anniversary of a transfer of power in 2012 that followed massive protests and sit-ins. With Saleh pictures and flags, tens of thousands of Saleh supporters gathered near the presidential palace, chanting "the people want Ali Abdullah Saleh." Saleh arrived in an entourage similar to the presidential convoy while a top Saleh party politician, Sultan al-Barakani, addressed the crowd by saying, "welcome the brother, the leader."

"We call for reconciliation, shaking hands and forgiveness of the past to build a new Yemen. Forget about the past and look at the future," he told the cheering crowd.

Saleh, who stepped down in 2012 as part of power transfer deal that gave him immunity from prosecution in return, appeared to be attempting to show that he still has the support of the masses, after the United Nations Security Council threatened to impose sanctions on him for allegedly trying to impede the country's democratic transition.

A day earlier, Saleh addressed members of his party ? The National People's Congress ? by saying the Security Council aims at "alienating us from life."

"As for the Security Council ... they want us to leave the country, alienate us from the chairmanship of the Congress party and then they want to alienate us from life," he said. He drew a comparison between his former ruling party and Iraq's ex-ruling party under Saddam Hussein which was excluded from political life by saying, "this is just like what happened to the Baath party in Iraq."

Saleh has been accused of trying to manipulate power through a network of relatives and supporters still in key positions. His successor, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, has several times reorganized state institutions, including the military, to remove Saleh's men from their posts. However, the military's loyalties remain divided, posing a threat to the country's stability as it battles al-Qaida militants in southern mountains and other areas.

In his Tuesday's speech, Saleh said his party would contest the country's upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections set for next year. The country's new constitution will be drafted in the coming months, no easy task given the strong separatist movement in the south.

Last Thursday, clashes between security forces and militants affiliated to the separatist movement broke out in the south, leaving four dead. The movement says the area has been marginalized for years and its wealth distributed unequally. The country's north and south were two separate states until unity in 1990.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/yemens-ousted-leader-urges-forgiveness-131456918.html

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Young Spaniards fleeing crisis seek solace in boho Berlin

BERLIN (Reuters) - They find the language difficult and the locals as chilly as the weather but for young Spaniards Berlin has become a popular spot to sit out the economic crisis at home.

The German capital's celebrated cabaret scene made it a mecca for bohemians in the 1920s and ?30s and in the Cold War the divided city became a magnet for alternative youth culture and rock stars.

When the Berlin Wall came down, anarchists moved into abandoned properties in East Berlin, gentrification followed but the avant garde atmosphere still thrives and has drawn thousands of Spaniards, eager to escape soaring unemployment at home.

"We haven't seen the sun for three months, and the people can seem distant, but Berlin is also a place where life is not just about work and you get to meet artists and actors and film directors," Diego Ruiz del Arbol, a 32-year-old Spanish IT engineer and web content consultant living in Berlin.

The number of Spaniards in Berlin has jumped to 11,473 in 2011 from 8,223 the previous year. Arrivals in Germany from Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal, the euro zone countries worst hit by the debt crisis nearly doubled last year.

Eastern Europeans arrive at a faster pace but they tend to head to industrial areas of Germany with a labor shortage, while Spaniards prefer Berlin, an unemployment black-spot but vibrant cultural hub.

Cafe Colectivo is one of the new meeting points for young Spaniards in Friedrichshain, near a famous flea market on Boxhagener Platz. It offers manchego cheese, chorizo and the occasional paella, Spanish soccer on TV and the chance to chat and network in Spanish.

Its owner, Bulgarian-born Dimitri Grigorov who grew up in Barcelona, is a 31-year-old former art student turned building worker who turned up in Berlin in 2008, began washing dishes in bars and ended up in the coffee business.

"The crisis in Spain is just getting worse, but in Berlin, if you come with the right frame of mind, the city opens its doors to you," he said. "I know of very few people who have gone back."


While Spain's jobless rate has hit 26 percent or 60 percent among young people, employment in Germany is at its highest level since reunification in 1990. But Berlin, which has little industry, has unemployment of over 12 percent, way above Germany's national jobless rate of 6.8 percent.

"On Spanish TV they say German employment is at record highs and show images of the Brandenburg Gate. But Berlin has one of the highest unemployment rates in Germany," said Ruiz del Arbol.

His clients include a Spanish recruitment agency website advertising posts in Germany. He also gives lighthearted coaching in "Berlinology" on his own website, www.berlunes.com.

Ruiz del Arbol differentiates between the Spanish engineers recruited for highly-qualified jobs in Munich and Stuttgart and the much younger "adventurers" heading for clubland in Berlin.

Herbert Bruecker, a professor at the Institute for Investigation into Labour Markets and Professions, says many of the current wave are essentially "middle-class immigrants" happy to work in menial jobs just to experience life in Berlin.

Spain's media tends to portray their departure as a national tragedy while the German press welcomes a more educated generation of "Gastarbeiter" (guest workers), as their factory-worker forebears half a century ago were known.

The young Spaniards waiting tables in Berlin may not be a permanent fix for Chancellor Angela Merkel's preoccupation with Germany's ageing population that has created a shortage of skilled labour, nor will it solve Spanish unemployment.

But experts say the workers do provide temporary relief for both problems.

"From the German perspective even if the people stay only for two years, it may add to the stock of employees," Bruecker said. The immigrants pick up language and organizational skills that will make them more productive back home, and their absence alleviates the welfare burden currently faced by Spain.

"It's a shame people have to go because they can't find work here, but the option of emigrating and working is much better than staying here unemployed," said immigration specialist Jesus Fernandez-Huertas Moraga at Madrid's FEDEA research centre.

"The overall economic impact will be positive, they'll send back remittances and in general they will improve their living standards."


Grigorov loves the Berlin night life's blend of "discrecion y locura" (meaning careful and crazy) and even finds the language attractive "because of its harshness".

This makes him a rarity among Spanish speakers, who are nonetheless signing up for German courses at the Goethe and other institutes in record numbers.

"The language is a big, big barrier," said Pablo Gonzalez, who moved to Berlin with his girlfriend Paz and has found the climate and relating with German colleagues "a struggle".

But three quarters of his friends back in Vigo are out of work and Gonzalez said that, although waiting tables instead of working in graphic design was hard to accept, "being 27 and living off your parents is not very fulfilling either".

Gonzalez has started climbing up the ladder in his passion and secondary profession: a third-division assistant referee in Galicia, his qualifications were accepted in Berlin and he finds the work easier here despite his poor German.

"Refereeing is much easier here - there's much more respect for the ref. In all the games I've done so far nobody has sworn at me, though I don't known any swearwords in Germany. Whereas in Spain it starts from the first minute, every game," he said.

The young immigrants said people thinking of following in their footsteps should get to grips with German, forget erratic Spanish time-keeping habits and not sign on the dole in a city the mayor brands "poor but sexy" and cannot afford a flood of welfare tourists.

"If you just come to sign on for social security, get your rent paid and spend the summer smoking joints in the park, you might as well stay home," said Grigorov at Cafe Colectivo.

(Reporting by Stephen Brown, editing by Gareth Jones and Anna Willard)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/young-spaniards-fleeing-crisis-seek-solace-boho-berlin-073748479.html

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First lady's anti-obesity campaign prompts change

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Wal-Mart is putting special labels on some store-brand products to help shoppers quickly spot healthier items. Millions of schoolchildren are helping themselves to vegetables from salad bars in their lunchrooms, while kids' meals at Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants automatically come with a side of fruit or vegetables and a glass of low-fat milk.

The changes put in place by the food industry are in response to the campaign against childhood obesity that Michelle Obama began waging three years ago. More changes are in store.

Influencing policy posed more of a challenge for the first lady, and not everyone welcomed her effort, criticizing it as a case of unwanted government intrusion.

Still, nutrition advocates and others give her credit for using her clout to help bring a range of interests to the table. They hope the increased awareness she has generated through speeches, her garden and her physical exploits will translate into further reductions in childhood obesity rates long after she leaves the White House.

About one-third of U.S. children are overweight or obese, which puts them at increased risk for any number of life-threatening illnesses, including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

While there is evidence of modest declines in childhood obesity rates in some parts of the country, the changes are due largely to steps taken before the first lady launched "Let's Move" in February 2010.

With the program entering its fourth year, Mrs. Obama heads out Wednesday on a two-day promotional tour with stops in Mississippi, Illinois and Missouri. She has been talking up the program on daytime and late-night TV shows, on the radio and in public service announcements with Big Bird. She also plans discussions next week on Google and Twitter.

"We're starting to see some shifts in the trend lines and the data where we're starting to show some improvement," the first lady told SiriusXM host B. Smith in an interview broadcast Tuesday. "We've been spending a lot of time educating and re-educating families and kids on how to eat, what to eat, how much exercise to get and how to do it in a way that doesn't completely disrupt someone's life."

Larry Soler, president and chief executive of the Partnership for a Healthier America, said Mrs. Obama has "been the leader in making the case for the time is now in childhood obesity and everyone has a role to play in overcoming the problem." The nonpartisan, nonprofit partnership was created as part of "Let's Move" to work with the private sector and to hold companies accountable for changes they promised to make.

Conservatives accused Mrs. Obama of going too far and dictating what people should ? and shouldn't ? eat after she played a major behind-the-scenes role in the passage in 2010 of a child nutrition law that required schools to make foods healthier. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican Party's vice presidential nominee in 2008, once brought cookies to a school and called the first lady's efforts a "nanny state run amok."

Other leaders in the effort, such as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have felt the backlash, too. Last fall, Bloomberg helped enact the nation's first rule barring restaurants, cafeterias and concession stands from selling soda and other high-calorie drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces.

Despite the criticism, broad public support exists for some of the changes the first lady and the mayor are advocating, according to a recent Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll.

More than eight in 10 of those surveyed, 84 percent, support requiring more physical activity in schools, and 83 percent favor government providing people with nutritional guidelines and information about diet and exercise. Seventy percent favor having restaurants put calorie counts on menus, and 75 percent consider overweightness and obesity a serious problem in this country, according to the Nov. 21-Dec. 14 survey by telephone of 1,011 adults.

Food industry representatives say Mrs. Obama has influenced their own efforts.

Mary Sophos of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents the country's largest food companies, including General Mills and Kellogg's, said an industry effort to label the fronts of food packages with nutritional content gained momentum after Mrs. Obama, a mother of two, attended one of their meetings in 2010 and encouraged them to do more.

"She's not trying to point fingers," Sophos said. "She's trying to get people to focus on solutions."

A move by the companies signaling willingness to work with Mrs. Obama appears to have paid off as the Obama administration eased off some of the fights it appeared ready to pick four years ago.

The Food and Drug Administration has stalled its push to mandate labeling on the front of food packages, saying it is monitoring the industry's own effort. A rule that would require calorie counts on menus has been delayed as the FDA tries to figure out whom to apply it to. Supermarkets, movie theaters and other retailers have been lobbying to be exempted.

The industry also appears to have successfully warded off a move by the Federal Trade Commission to put in place voluntary guidelines for advertising junk food to kids. Directed by Congress, the guidelines would have discouraged the marketing of certain foods that didn't meet government-devised nutritional requirements. The administration released draft guidelines in 2011 but didn't follow up after the industry said they went too far and angry House Republicans summoned an agency official to Capitol Hill to defend them.

Besides labeling its store brands, Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, also pledged to cut sodium and added sugars by 25 percent and 10 percent, respectively, by 2015, and remove industrially produced trans fats.

Leslie Dach, an executive vice president, said sodium in packaged bread has been cut by 13 percent, and added sugar in refrigerated flavored milk, popular among kids, has been cut by more than 17 percent. He said Wal-Mart shoppers have told the company that eating healthier is important to them. Giving customers what they want is also good for business.

New York reported a 5.5 percent decline in obesity rates in kindergarteners through eighth-graders between the 2006-07 and 2010-11 school years, according a report last fall by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which studies health policy. In Philadelphia, the decline was 4.7 percent among students in grades K-12 between the 2006-07 and 2009-10 school years, the foundation said.

Declines also were reported in California and in Mississippi, where Mrs. Obama stops Wednesday.

In Philadelphia, an organization called the Food Trust has worked since 1992 to help corner stores offer fresh foods, connect schools with local farms, bring supermarkets to underserved areas and ensure that farmers' markets accept food stamps, according to Robert Wood Johnson.

New York City requires chain restaurants to post calorie information on menus. Licensed day care centers also must offer daily physical activity, limit the amount of time children spend in front of TV and computer screens, and set nutrition standards.

Both cities also made changes to improve the quality of foods and beverages available to students in public schools.



Let's Move: http://www.letsmove.gov


Follow Darlene Superville and Mary Clare Jalonick on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dsupervilleap and http://www.twitter.com/mcjalonick

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/first-ladys-anti-obesity-campaign-prompts-change-082054226--finance.html

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Balloon crash deepens pall on tourism-dry Luxor

LUXOR, Egypt (AP) ? The fiery crash of a sightseeing balloon that killed 19 tourists has cast a further pall over this city of ancient temples and tombs, already perhaps the hardest hit by Egypt's two-year drop in tourism, which has left hotels here empty and residents desperate for income.

Some connected to the tourist trade in Luxor, a city utterly dependent on foreign visitors to survive, were seething with anger Wednesday at the country's Islamist president for his silence over the crash.

Mohammed Morsi has yet to publicly speak about the tragedy ? and some here took that not just as insensitivity to the victims' families but as indifference to the vital tourism trade.

"Morsi should have taken a plane and come here," Salah Zaky, one of the owners of the five-star Steigenberger Hotel in Luxor , 510 kilometers (320 miles) south of Cairo . "The whole world is watching and he is asleep. It's as if there is no government."

Morsi spoke by telephone to Luxor's governor to discuss the balloon disaster, according to state media. Hours after the crash, he spoke live on TV at a meeting with political leaders ? but only about upcoming parliamentary elections, without mentioning the crash.

"They don't care if this hotel closes. They only care about the ballot box," Zaky said, referring to the Muslim Brotherhood, the fundamentalist group from which Morsi hails and which has dominated all elections held since Mubarak's ouster.

Nine of those who died in Tuesday's crash were in a tour group from Hong Kong that was staying at the Steigenberger. The husband of one of the victims had chosen not to go on the balloon ride and watched from the ground as it burst into flame and plummeted to the earth, with his wife, daughter, sister and brother-in-law on board, hotel staffers said. The man flew out of the country Tuesday evening.

Investigators were still gathering evidence about the cause of the crash, the head of the probe Walid el-Moqadem told The Associated Press, refusing to give details. He said investigators had not yet questioned the balloon's pilot, who survived the crash with severe burns.

"He could barely open his eyes," el-Moqadem said.

The hot air balloon was carrying 20 tourists from Hong Kong, Japan, Britain, Belgium and France on a sunrise flight over Luxor's dramatic pharaonic sites and desert landscape.

The disaster occurred when it was trying to land, just after 7 a.m. Tuesday. Initial investigations suggested that the fire broke out when a landing cable tore one of the balloon's fuel tubes, used to fire the burner that heats the air in the balloon. Investigators said it appeared the pilot jumped out of the balloon's gondola when the fire first broke out, still relatively close to the ground. The investigators spoke on condition of anonymity because the probe was not complete.

The balloon then rose back up, to some 300 meters (1,000 feet), the fire spread to the balloon itself, which burst. Amateur video taken from another balloon flying nearby shows it crashing it back to the earth like a fireball.

The only other survivor was a tourist from Britain, who may have gotten out at the same time as the pilot. He and the pilot were being treated in military hospitals in Cairo, as families of some of the victims arrived in the country to identify their loved ones.

For residents of Luxor, the main city in a province of around 1 million people, the tragedy only further added to their worries over the tourism trade on which they rely. Tourism is the main employer in the area ? and practically the only industry besides farming and a sole sugar factory processing the region's sugar cane crops.

Nearly everyone relies in some way on the visitors who come to visit the monumental ancient temples in Luxor and the Valley of the Kings, the desert valley where many of ancient Egypt's pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, were buried.

With little else to keep it going, the city has been hit hard with many foreign visitors staying away from Egypt amid the turmoil, protests and instability that have plagued the country since the fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak in February 2011.

The number of tourists coming to Egypt fell to 9.8 million in 2011 from 14.7 million the year before, and revenues plunged 30 percent to $8.8 billion. Last year, the numbers climbed up to just over 10 million, but most tourists go to the beach resorts of the Red Sea, staying away from Nile Valley sites like Luxor.

In Luxor, "when tourism stalls, it affects the tour agents, the drivers, the boat owners, vegetable and fruit sellers, the groceries, the butchers and everybody else who are part of the cycle of life of tourism," said tour agent Medhat Ramadan, who nervously checked his IPad for the latest news on the crash.

"Even farmers who plant the food for horses that drive tourists in carriages are affected. It's all one cycle," he said.

Along with the depressed tourism, Egypt's economy in general has suffered amid the political turmoil. Constant protests, often turning into riots or clashes, along with political uncertainty, have dried up foreign investment. Foreign reserves, a key indicator for the economy's health, have shrunk by two thirds since Mubarak's ouster in February 2011.

The crash had one immediate effect with the suspension of all balloon rides in the area.

"This was one of the pillars of tourism here in Luxor. Now it is gone," said Ramadan. With tour companies forced to offer cheaper and cheaper packages to draw visitors to the city, offering balloon rides ? which draw a higher price ? was one way to pull in extra money for the companies, he said.

For months, hotels here have been reporting occupancy rates below 30 percent ? often well below, even in the winter high season, when normally they are nearly full.

Zaky said the Steinberger has averaged only 25 percent occupancy and has had to cut a quarter of its 400-member staff. At the same time, his gas bill has doubled and electricity costs rose 20 percent in recent months because of price hikes by a government trying to close rampant deficits.

Hesham Youssef, who runs a sailboat offering trips for tourists on the Nile River, said he sometimes goes for three days without a client.

He said Morsi is good ? "a man of the poor, he always mentions God's name." But, Youssef said, "he needs to come out and say something about what happened to those tourists. It is not his fault because what happened was something from God, but he must say something."

Tharwat Agamy, from Luxor's Tourism Chamber, said there was no immediate word on cancellation as a result of the balloon crash, but he feared they would soon happen.

"The whole world is talking about this right now. We are doing our best to push tourism forward but this will take us back many steps back,' he said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/balloon-crash-deepens-pall-tourism-dry-luxor-205854093.html

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Bomberman gets unofficial web-based version, crams in up to 1,000 online players

Bomberman gets unofficial webbased version Bombermine, crams in up to 100 online players

This is about to ruin any hopes you had of a productive day. Bombermine, an unofficial version of SNES throwback, Super Bomberman, is a web-based gift that lets you face-off against up to 1,000 players in a single game. Borrowing the same scoresheet setup of a first-person shooter, you'll auto-generate within an existing game once you've picked a username. Beta servers in Europe, the US and Japan all went live earlier this week. The gameplay is unaffected by the transition, although there are some new additions, like a chat window and even a Nyancat-tainted power-up to bring this terrible, terrible time-sink up to date. Get your work in order, then meet us on the servers at the source link.

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Via: TNW

Source: Bombermine

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/xfrBK-a8a6U/

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Google Glass is an all-knowing virtual assistant ? is your head ready?

You may have recently spotted some goofy-looking headgear gracing the brows of the Google founders ? and a few supermodels, too. While it may seem like a cyberpunk fashion statement that just got too literal, Google's Project Glass, a wearable camera/display combo, may well be the future of human-machine interaction.

"One thing that we're really excited about and working hard on is transforming the way that people interact with Google," said Scott Huffman, Google's vice president of engineering for Search, showing off a video demonstrating the search engine giant's new sensation. "From the stilted one-keyword-at-a-time conversation, to more of a natural conversation ? like a human assistant."

Make no mistake, Huffman isn't talking about a virtual assistant along the lines of Apple's Siri, which responds to your questions. He's talking about a way to interact with a search engine ? and all its associated products ? that includes it gathering so much data about your life and habits, it will start anticipating your needs. Cool? Yes. Creepy? Maybe that, too.

"If you think about a good assistant," Huffman told me, pausing to correct himself, "a great assistant ? they don't interrupt you every few minutes." He described his own assistant, someone who doesn't interrupt him often, but certainly knows when she should give him a gentle reminder or a sharp kick.

"It's the opposite of the experience on your phone today," Huffman pointed out, referencing how disruptive our smartphones can be. Not only are they not capable of prioritizing our notifications, but they're mostly incapable of anticipating how the priorities themselves change depending on where we are ? or what time it is.

Though Google's improved experience will span all manner of devices ? "We're trying to think of it as ... your assistant is ubiquitously with you," said Huffman ? it's Google Glass that has everyone talking.

Under development in the Google X Lab ? that mysterious skunkworks where self-driving cars, neural networks, and other quirky yet ambitious projects are being dreamed up ? Glass is the most provocative way in which this assistant, your main touchpoint with Google, might interact with you.

A small display lives on a frame that resembles eyeglasses. It is connected to a camera, microphone, bone-conducting speaker, and more. Thanks to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support, the device communicates with other gadgets, such as your smartphone, as well as the good ol' Web.

"OK, Glass!" ? with a command like that, you can prompt the device to take pictures, record video, initiate video chats, provide directions, send messages, search, translate and more. Cards resembling those seen in Google Now ? Google's response to Apple's Siri ? may occasionally appear in the tiny display, meant to remind you of a dentist appointment, provide updates on an upcoming flight, and so on.

A concept video released by Google about a year ago left some people under the misconception that Glass provides an augmented reality experience, where information is overlaid across a field of vision. Instead, as a new demo video confirms, Glass is significantly less disruptive. You actually have to glance up at the display.

Google's intent with Glass is to provide you with all the information you need, before you even think of a question, but without being a nag. Sound too crazy? Not for Google, says ... Google.

What people want ... and what they don't know they want
"Our role is to understand user needs in terms of our search products and make sure that we're developing a search experience that meets and exceeds expectations," Jon Wiley, Google's lead user experience designer for Search, told me in mid-December. To get a sense of how that was going, Wiley said, the company conducted a little human-nature study.

Wiley's team gathered up a group of folks "from all walks of life" and installed specialized software on their mobile devices. Throughout the day, this software prompted the study participants with a very open-ended question: "What was the last bit of information you needed?" The point of the study wasn't to trace the flow of data through the participants' handsets. Wiley's team just wanted to know what sort of information ? simple or complicated, mundane or exciting ? people were hunting for at any given moment.

The study not only allowed Wiley's team to better capture the sorts of queries that people don't ask a search engine ? "Why is my daughter being mean to me?" ? but also the context in which all these questions arose. Where were people when they needed to know these things? What time was it? What were they doing? By gathering these details, the team could attempt to understand the contexts of searches (even the helpless ones) in our day-to-day, human trudge.

One day, Google could perhaps provide all that information without prompting. After all, a diligent user of Google Now already gets flight information, traffic alerts, and other details automatically ? just based on itineraries, daily travel patterns, etc. But with Glass that information could always be front-and-center at the very moment it's needed. What if you're late for a flight? Checking for its gate information by reaching for a boarding pass, pulling your phone out of your pocket, or finding an airport information board wastes precious seconds. Glass could put the information right in front of you without delay.

The more information we share with Google, even just so that Google can better understand our data needs, the more privacy concerns will be raised. Google is already no stranger to privacy lawsuits and legislation, so how much more heated will things get when the company introduces eyeglasses that know as much ? or more ? about you than you know yourself?

Perhaps even more importantly, Google Glass is one of the first digital technologies capable of recording the world around you constantly: Will that cause discomfort for others? Will they start to avoid you once you're wearing a device that allows you to take photos or record video without even the slightest warning? And when will Google Glass data be brought into the courtroom for a divorce case, a robbery, or worse?

Despite its magical promises (and ominous portents), Google's creation may remain out of reach for a while ? until late 2013, at the very earliest. Google's currently only allowing select individuals to participate in the Google Glass Explorer program. This first publicly available Glass edition costs $1,500, and comes with an invite to a special pick-up event and more. In order to be part of the Glass Explorer program, you had to pre-order during Google I/O 2012 conference last June or make it through the recently announced #IfIHadGlass application process.

Nerd alert!
While the general public waits for the latest Google gadget to become available though, there's been plenty of criticism of Glass' appearance ? "these specs look like the freaky science fiction concept they are," Gizmodo's Mario Aguilar declared.

And the behoodied Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, not exactly a fashion icon himself, is among those concerned about how he'll look wearing Glass on his face, reports Ryan Mac. The Forbes' writer witnessed an exchange between Zuckerberg and Google co-founder Sergey Brin after an event at the University of California on Wednesday.

"How do you look out from this without looking awkward?" Zuckerberg reportedly asked. "You know, how are you supposed to use these this without breaking eye contact?" (Neither Facebook nor Google chose to confirm that this conversation occurred.)

Still, Google seems to be working hard to ditch the belief that only the nerdiest of nerds will don Glass. The New York Times' Claire Cain Miller reports that Google may be in negotiations with eyewear seller Warby Parker "to help it design more fashionable frames" for Glass.

The company also collaborated with designer Diane von Furstenberg during last year's New York Fashion Week and brought Glass onto the runway.

?I am so excited to introduce Glass to the fashion world and use this revolutionary technology to give everyone a unique perspective into fashion," von Furstenberg was quoted as remarking, while Google co-founder Sergey Brin added that "beauty, style and comfort are as important to Glass as the latest technology."

Until Glass is publicly available ? and until we discover whether this groundbreaking virtual personal assistant is worth bending a fashion rule or two ? the last words on the subject go to actor LeVar Burton. Speaking for Geordi La Forge, a character he played in "Star Trek: The Next Generation," Burton tweets: "#ifihadglass It would be a downgrade."

Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/google-glass-all-knowing-virtual-assistant-your-head-ready-1C8479651

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Slickdeals' best in tech for February 27th: Sony NEX-6 bundle and Klipsch Image E1 in-ears

Looking to save some coin on your tech purchases? Of course you are! In this round-up, we'll run down a list of the freshest frugal buys, hand-picked with the help of the folks at Slickdeals. You'll want to act fast, though, as many of these offerings won't stick around long.

Slickdeals' best in tech for February 27th: Sony NEX-6 bundle and Klipsch Image E1 in-ears

If you've been thinking about splurging on a mirrorless camera, now might be your chance. A Sony NEX-6 bundle hits the list today with memory card, lens, $50 gift card and Adobe software in tow. Of course, there are four other stellar deals waiting just past the break too. Coupon codes are required for a number of today's selections, so be sure to include those at checkout.

Filed under: , , ,


Source: Slickdeals

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/27/slickdeals-best-in-tech-for-february-27th/

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93% The Gatekeepers

All Critics (41) | Top Critics (17) | Fresh (38) | Rotten (3)

A sobering but welcome dose of honesty regarding issues and events that have otherwise been shrouded in secrecy and overheated rhetoric.

Israelis, generally speaking, tend to be tough, but the men who've commanded Shin Bet, Israel's secret service, are in a whole other category.

A lesser filmmaker might've been tripped up by such a narrow focus. A lesser filmmaker might've misjudged the melange of archival footage, fabricated surveillance footage and talking heads, which Moreh handles with a blend of cinematic flash and tact.

The film makes explicit and implicit endorsements. The strategy of vengeance and overkill is ineffective and leads Israel to horrific behavior described only through metaphor.

The subjects' openness is refreshing - and sometimes frightening.

A feat - of access and of passionate and appropriately unsettling political commentary.

Filmmaker Dror Moreh gives a unique look, from those in the know, of the inner workings of Israel's home intelligence service.

As Moreh probes the men, we, whether we agree with them or not, find ourselves drawn into their moral maze in all of its complexity.

This is a film that leaves a knot in the stomach, and no easy solutions as to how to get rid of it.

The 'other' Oscar-nominated feature about a war on terror, Dror Moreh's documentary The Gatekeepers proves more intellectually engaging than Hollywood's Zero Dark Thirty, and at least as unsettling.

Important and incomplete.

A blunt, clear-eyed, first-hand take on decades of Middle Eastern history, from practically the founding of the Jewish state up through the recent fits and starts of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Moreh has assembled a thorough, evenhanded and fascinating examination of people and operations straight out of a spy novel.

This brave documentary draws a line in the sand. One just wishes Moreh had asked these men what they were doing to change the situation now other than having changed their minds.

From the moment you hear one of these former insiders admitting his misgivings over an act of violence he perpetrated, you can't help but be drawn in.

The access boggles the mind, and some of the stories are riveting.

[T]houghtfully examines the difficulties of protecting a democracy from internal enemies. . .with realpolitik towards peace [and] repeated criticism of government leaders.

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_gatekeepers_2012/

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Dennis Rodman worms his way into North Korea

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) ? Flamboyant former NBA star Dennis Rodman is heading to North Korea with the VICE media company ? tattoos, piercings, bad-boy reputation and all.

The American known as "The Worm" is set to arrive Tuesday in Pyongyang, becoming an unlikely ambassador for sports diplomacy at a time of heightened tensions between the U.S. and North Korea.

Rodman, three members of the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team, a VICE correspondent and a production crew from the company are visiting North Korea to shoot footage for a new TV show set to air on HBO in early April, VICE told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview before the group's departure from Beijing.

It's the second high-profile American visit this year to North Korea, a country that remains in a state of war with the U.S. It also comes two weeks after North Korea conducted an underground nuclear test in defiance of U.N. bans against atomic and missile activity.

Google's executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, made a surprise four-day trip to Pyongyang, where he met with officials and toured computer labs in January, just weeks after North Korea launched a satellite into space on the back of a long-range rocket.

Washington, Tokyo, Seoul and others consider both the rocket launch and the nuclear test provocative acts that threaten regional security.

North Korea characterizes the satellite launch as a peaceful bid to explore space, but says the nuclear test was meant as a deliberate warning to Washington. Pyongyang says it needs to build nuclear weapons to defend itself against the U.S., and is believed to be trying to build an atomic bomb small enough to mount on a missile capable of reaching the mainland U.S.

VICE said the Americans hope to engage in a little "basketball diplomacy" in North Korea by running a basketball camp for children and playing pickup games with locals ? and by competing alongside North Korea's top athletes for a game Rodman said he hopes leader Kim Jong Un will attend.

"Is sending the Harlem Globetrotters and Dennis Rodman to the DPRK strange? In a word, yes," said Shane Smith, the VICE founder who is host of the upcoming series. "But finding common ground on the basketball court is a beautiful thing.

"These channels of cultural communication might appear untraditional, and perhaps they are, but we think it's important just to keep the lines open," he said. "And if Washington isn't going to send their Generals then we'll send our Globetrotters."

The Washington Generals were the Globetrotters' regular, long-suffering opponents in a long-running series of comic exhibition games. DPRK is an acronym of North Korea's formal name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

VICE, known for its sometimes irreverent journalism, has made two previous visits to North Korea, coming out with the "VICE Guide to North Korea." The HBO series, which will air weekly starting April 5, features documentary-style news reports from around the world.

The Americans also will visit North Korea's national monuments, the SEK animation studio and a new skate park in Pyongyang.

The U.S. State Department hasn't been contacted about travel to North Korea by this group, a senior administration official said, requesting anonymity to comment before any trip had been made public. The official said the department does not vet U.S. citizens' private travel to North Korea and urges US citizens contemplating travel there to review a travel warning on its website.

In a now-defunct U.S.-North Korean agreement in which Washington had planned last year to give food aid to Pyongyang in exchange for nuclear concessions, Washington had said it was prepared to increase people-to-people exchanges with the North, including in the areas of culture, education and sports.

Promoting technology and sports are two major policy priorities of Kim Jong Un, who took power in December 2011 following the death of his father, Kim Jong Il.

But the often over-the-top Rodman, with his maze of tattoos, nose studs and neon-bleached hair, seems like an unlikely diplomat to a country where male fashion rarely ventures beyond military khaki and growing facial hair is forbidden.

During his heyday in the 1990s, Rodman was a poster boy for excess. He called his 1996 autobiography "Bad as I Wanna Be" ? and showed up wearing a wedding dress to promote it.

Shown a photo of a snarling Rodman, piercings dangling from his lower lip and two massive tattoos emblazoned on his chest, one North Korean in Pyongyang recoiled and said: "He looks like a monster!"

But Rodman is also a Hall of Fame basketball player and one of the best defenders and rebounders to ever play the game. During a storied, often controversial career, he won five NBA championships ? a feat that quickly overshadowed his antics for at least one small North Korean group of basketball fans.

Along with soccer, basketball is enormously popular in North Korea, where it's not uncommon to see basketball hoops set up in hotel parking lots or in schoolyards. It's a game that doesn't require much equipment or upkeep.

The U.S. remains Enemy No. 1 in North Korea, and North Koreans have limited exposure to American pop culture. But they know Michael Jordan, a former teammate of Rodman's when they both played for the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s.

During a historic visit to North Korea in 2000, then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright presented Kim Jong Il, famously an NBA fan, with a basketball signed by Jordan that later went on display in the huge cave at Mount Myohyang that holds gifts to the leaders.

North Korea even had its own Jordan wannabe: Ri Myong Hun, a 7-foot-9 star player who is said to have renamed himself "Michael" after his favorite player and moved to Canada for a few years in the 1990s in hopes of making it into the NBA.

Even today, Jordan remains well-loved here. At the Mansudae Art Studio, which produces the country's top art, a portrait of Jordan spotted last week, complete with a replica of his signature and "NBA" painted in one corner, seemed an odd inclusion among the propaganda posters and celadon vases on display.

An informal poll of North Koreans revealed that "The Worm" isn't quite as much a household name in Pyongyang.

But Kim Jong Un, also said to be a basketball fanatic, would have been an adolescent when Rodman, now 51, was with the Bulls, and when the Harlem Globetrotters, an exhibition basketball team, kept up a frenetic travel schedule worldwide.

In a memoir about his decade serving as Kim Jong Il's personal sushi chef, a man who goes by the pen name Kenji Fujimoto recalled that basketball was the young Kim Jong Un's biggest passion, and that the Chicago Bulls were his favorite.

The notoriously unpredictable and irrepressible Rodman said he has no special antics up his sleeve for making his mark on one of the world's most regimented and militarized societies, a place where order and conformity are enforced with Stalinist fervor.

But he said he isn't leaving any of his piercings behind.


Associated Press writer Matthew Pennington contributed to this report from Washington. Follow AP's bureau chief for Pyongyang and Seoul at www.twitter.com/newsjean.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/dennis-rodman-worms-way-north-korea-051224872.html

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Where do you and your team stand? ? Business Management Daily ...

Have you drunk your organization?s Kool-Aid?

Yes? That?s fine, but remember the difference between your group?s internal image and the way it is perceived in the real world.

One disadvantage of propaganda is that those generating it often end up believing it, blinding them to reality.

Effective leaders work hard not to fall for their own propaganda. In fact, a case can be made that the best leaders don?t bother wasting time and money cultivating an image.

Whatever your decision there, make it a habit never to underestimate your competition. Be truthful with yourself and others about your own contributions. Above all, be clear-eyed about where you and your team really stand.

? Adapted from AMA Business Boot Camp, edited by Edward T. Reilly, Amacom.

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Hanwood Holdings are pleased to announce their new movie investment offering - Henry 5

Set 50 years into the future, an over populated Great Britain is totally reliant on France for its electricity. With spiralling costs and with Britain close to bankruptcy this is no longer a tenable position. Only one path is left open... war.

(PRWEB UK) 27 February 2013

Henry 5 is a story of political intrigue and personal ambition that not only reminds us of the Bush / Blair years and the invasion of Iraq, but also sentiments that Shakespeare expressed 400 years ago are as relevant today as they were then, and will be in the future.

Society has not yet descended into a post-apocalyptic maelstrom but the nation is broke and morally in terminal decline. With echoes of Blair and Bush?s invasion of Iraq (which many believe was to do with oil), the King (Henry) decides with his cabinet to ?cook up? a war dossier so that he can ?legally? invade Britain?s closest neighbour - France.

France provides the UK with its electricity and still has wide-open spaces with 100 hectares more land per 1 hectare of England?s soil. Britain is now over populated and breaking at the seams so a fast cabinet decision is pushed through parliament - WAR. Shakespeare provides us with the richness of language to convey this apocalyptic vision perfectly.

England?s only hope of survival is to carry out two tasks in the war manifesto:

1) Take France and control the electricity, gas and coal, which the UK can no longer meet their price demands for.

2) Contain all of the non-British (and the French think non French) within the strict borders of a renamed United Kingdom.

This coup can only be sealed by Henry if he becomes victorious and marries Katherine the daughter of the King and Queen of France. A war cabinet is assembled and the French are denounced as war profiteers ? a decision is passed and war is declared?.

With a planned all-star cast including Ray Winstone (The Sweeny, Snow White & The Huntsman, The Departed, Sweeny Todd), Sir Michael Caine (The Dark Night Rises, Inception, Harry Brown, Batman, The Italian Job), Sir Derek Jacobi (Gladiator, The Kings Speech, My Week With Marilyn), Vinnie Jones (Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, X-Men, Gone in Sixty Seconds), Gerard Depardue (Life of Pi, 102 Dalmations, The Man in the Iron Mask, Green Card) & Lord Richard Attenborough (Jurassic Park trilogy, The Great Escape, Hamlet).

If you would like more information about investing in HENRY5, please call Hanwood Holdings Ltd on 0845 862 3090 or email info(at)hanwoodholdings(dot)com

Gary Collins
Hanwood Holdings Ltd
+44 (0)845 8623090
Email Information

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hanwood-holdings-pleased-announce-movie-investment-offering-henry-081422061.html

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Stringer wins 900th as Rutgers tops South Florida

Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer wipes a tear as she stands with athletic director Tim Pernetti and her team to celebrate Stringer's 900th career win in an NCAA college basketball game Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Piscataway, N.J., Rutgers defeated South Florida 68-56. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer wipes a tear as she stands with athletic director Tim Pernetti and her team to celebrate Stringer's 900th career win in an NCAA college basketball game Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Piscataway, N.J., Rutgers defeated South Florida 68-56. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Fans celebrate as Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer wins her 900th NCAA college basketball game on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Piscataway, N.J. Rutgers defeated South Florida 68-56. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer celebrates her 900th win after defeating South Florida 68-56 in an NCAA college basketball game Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Piscataway, N.J., . (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Rutgers head coach C. Vivian Stringer celebrates with her players on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Piscataway, N.J., after defeating South Florida 68-56 in an NCAA college basketball game for Stringer's 900th win. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Not much has come easily for C. Vivian Stringer during her Hall of Fame coaching career.

So it was fitting that it took her five tries to become the fourth women's basketball coach to have 900 victories. She finally reached the milestone Tuesday night with Rutgers' 68-56 win over South Florida.

Stringer joined Pat Summitt, Jody Conradt and Sylvia Hatchell in the exclusive club. Maybe a half dozen more women's coaches might gain entrance over the next few years. Only three Division I men's coaches have reached 900 victories ? Mike Krzyzewski, Bob Knight and Jim Boeheim.

Stringer, who was the first coach in men's or women's basketball to take three different schools to the Final Four ? including Rutgers in 2000 and '07 ? fought back tears as her team celebrated their coach's entrance to the group.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2013-02-27-BKW-Stringer-900-Wins/id-9d11f7b618034e4aa552debbe83cb089

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How Much Longer Will Your "Easy" - Search Engine Guide

It seems to be a common song and dance in SEO--once the search engines give the thumbs up to particular link building tactic like blog commenting or guest blogging the spammers come out of the woodwork to use and abuse that tactic for as long as they can. As the old adage goes, if you build a better mousetrap someone is bound to breed a smarter mouse. It often feels like it's Google versus the spammers and I'm not always sure who comes out on top. With Panda, Penguin, the page layout update, the EMD update and many others, Google is definitely trying to put the kibosh on "easy" link building tactics that many site owners have taken advantage of. But even with all the algorithm updates and refreshes it still sometimes looks the spammers are dominating the SERPs and keeping the deserving sites out of the top spots. So what's a site owner to do?

I know that it's very easy to get tempted to invest in some of those "easy" link building tactics because, after all, if it worked for that guy and he's getting away with it why can't I, right? But in my experience those sites that "get away with it" tend to be the exceptions, not the rule. In my opinion it's not a question of will those guys get caught; it's really only a matter of when.

In a recent interview I did with Internet marketing expert Jordan Kasteler we were discussing the idea that Google might come out with some sort of guest blogging penalty, seeing as that's becoming the "easy" link building tactic of the moment for some site owners (even though if you do it right it's far from it!). He mentioned that;

"Some SEOs out there fail to realize that no individual algorithm metric or tactic works alone. There are many signals that all interact together with varying levels of importance based on your mix of signals. There's no one size fits and gone are the days of trying to fool search engines with an array of tactics. I mean, it still works, you can still spam but it's just not sustainable. So unless you're a spammer trying to make a buck, focus on building quality content and a quality brand."

Speaking as a site owner and not an SEO professional, I know how frustrating it is to try and "play by the rules" and do everything outlined in the Google Webmaster Guidelines and feel like you just aren't getting anywhere. SEO is a long term process that builds on itself and sometimes it can feel like you're just spinning your wheels, especially when the competition is doing things with their SEO program that you've always been told not to do AND they're being rewarded for it! It's enough to make any site owner wonder if maybe the competition knows something you don't; that they found a way to slip past the algorithm and exploit the loopholes for their own profit. Maybe if you revere engineered their SEO program you'd find the loopholes too...

But here's my take on it--if you really, really want to invest in the "easy" link building tactics (the ones that get used, abused and spammed to death) test it out on a site that doesn't matter and not one that is your livelihood. If you're a small business owner you can't afford to take the chance that you might get caught. If your website is penalized and you lose 1/2 your traffic overnight how will you pay your mortgage? Your car payments? Your college tuition bills? In my mind, putting my family at risk isn't worth any short term gain that might be had from a spammy SEO program. Is three months at the top of the SERPs worth 6-9 months or more of trying to dig myself out of the hole after Google catches me in the act? I don't think so.

Yes, link building is time consuming and sometimes frustrating and definitely never-ending. It's better to accept that fact now and move on than spend the next 6 months trying to stay one step ahead of the next algorithm update and keep your website flying under Google's radar, only to spend the next 12 months after that desperately trying to recover from an algorithmic penalty. As Jordan pointed out, spam is just not sustainable. Personally, if I'm going to be investing any time in my link building and SEO program I want to make sure it's going to be worth it in the long run and keep pushing my online business along for years to come and not just the next few months.

Source: http://www.searchengineguide.com/nick-stamoulis/how-much-longer-will-your-easy-link-buil.php

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/50948847/

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Small business sales executives have three decision makers to win ...

February 25, 2013 in Sales and Marketing

Small business sales executives have three decision makers to win over

Small business sales requires getting on the good side of not just one but three decision makers, according to expert Geoffrey James, and account managers should be wary of the several pet peeves of people in those positions.

A good start is essential
Whether a sales executive is talking to the person in charge of a company?s finances, the manager of?a? department?or the business? gatekeeper, he should know that they all have similar buttons pushed by salespeople?every day, Sales Gravy reports. The networking community says one key to making a sale is being original and avoiding the pitfalls many others fall into by trying to force themselves through to decision makers. Creating an opening pitch that differs greatly from clich??lines is vital to the success of a salesperson, the source claims.

Another tip Sales Gravy offers is to act personable and treat the people required to get through to decision makers well. James mentions in his Inc Magazine editorial that the first person a sale executive meets or speaks with on the phone, the gatekeeper, is the first obstacle between an account manager and a sale.

Working with the three decision makers
Still, many people tend to forget how important this employee is to them in small business marketing or sales, and Sales Gravy says downplaying the role of administrative assistants by belittling their intelligence or their hand in approving a purchase is one of the biggest mistakes salespeople make.

The two other workers needed to reach a sale is the person in charge of the department the product or service targets and the employee who manages the organization?s money, James claims. The source says while the branch manager?is essential to approval, he or she rarely have a minute to spare ? therefore, the office manager is even more important to completing a deal, as they will typically be the one to teach a salesperson about the company and relay all information about the product or service being sold to higher-ups.

Lastly, James says the financial manager is in a similar position with time as the department head, so a salesperson should pitch as much value of their product as possible and be clear about the costs with the gatekeeper. Doing some investigating before visiting an office, Sales Gravy says, can prevent an account manager from pitching to a business that may not have the need or the financial backing to support what they have to offer.

Source: http://buildmybiz.com/small-business-sales-executives-have-three-decision-makers-to-win-over/

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Was that Peter Brady hosting the Oscars?

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, TODAY

One's a "Family Guy," the other wanted to "somehow form a family." Oscar-watchers were of differing opinions on host Seth MacFarlane's performance at Sunday's big awards show, but many found one thing to agree on: He looked an awful lot like Peter Brady.


Here's the story: Some Oscar-watchers felt host Seth MacFarlane looked more than a little like Peter Brady.

Twitter users spotted the comparison early, and began sharing photo comparisons and of course, "Brady" references. (Some saw a mixed resemblance, saying MacFarlane also looked like Donny Osmond.)


You remember Peter, the Brady family's middle son, played by actor Christopher Knight. Peter loved movies too -- he famously once tried to say "pork chops and applesauce" in the style of Humphrey Bogart. And he was more than a little into drama, once getting big brother Greg to attempt a "Cyrano" act with him in hopes of charming a girl, and pretending to his parents that he was still employed after a bike shop fired him for working too slow.

MacFarlane acknowledges the resemblance, telling Parade magazine on Sunday, "I get a lot of 'Hey, aren't you Peter Brady?'" And maybe the resemblance is more than skin-deep.

If you'll remember, poor Peter, like middle sister Jan, had it a little rough. He never pulled off the suave charm of Greg or the little-kid cuteness of little Bobby.?Maybe, as the mixed reviews of MacFarlane's hosting gig continue to trickle in, the comic can relate.

Source: http://todayentertainment.today.com/_news/2013/02/25/17087872-peter-brady-is-that-you-heres-the-story-of-oscar-host-resemblance?lite

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