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What lies in the future for pay per click? | Xavier Media?

The pay per click industry is one that has constantly been evolving ever since its inception.

Of course, those who work in PPC management are tasked with staying on top of these trends and predicting what lies in the future for PPC.

In an era where technology appears to be moving forward faster than ever, this is arguably becoming harder.

Mobile PPC

The biggest change currently occurring in the?pay per click?industry is the growth of consumers accessing the internet from platforms other than their computer.

A growing amount of consumers are accessing the web and buying products from mobile web devices such as the smartphones and tablets. These devices have been tipped to eventually eclipse traditional computers for online shopping, meaning that PPC advertisers are becoming keener to target this market.

The challenges with mobile pay per click marketing are difficult but the opportunities are enormous. The prospect of location-based marketing is something that could prove really exciting. Imagine a customer is doing a Google search for your product on their phone whilst they are a 5 minute walk away from your shop. How much would you pay to appear top of the mobile SERPs in that situation? Click-to-call adverts are already becoming increasingly prominent on smartphones.

With Google Glass apparently on the horizon, who knows how big mobile PPC could become? Could there be an opportunity to flash a PPC advert in a customer's eye as they walk towards a store?

Smart TVs

The internet and television are becoming one entity. With the growth of Smart TVs, consumers can now surf the web, watch YouTube videos or browse e-commerce stores all whilst watching the television. Pay per click advertising is soon expected to appear more prominently on this platform too, perhaps so that consumers can click-through to a company's website whilst watching a television advert.

Both online video and TV-on-demand services are already taking advantage of video pay per click advertising and this could soon become the norm for the family sitting round the sofa.


There's plenty of talk in the PPC industry about keywords becoming a thing of the past. Automation software will allow PPC management to conduct their business without having to spend hours working out profit-per-keyword and making adjustments accordingly. This could all be automated in order save time and boost efficiency.

Behavioural targeting is already very much in full flow and this is only expected to become a bigger part of online marketing. Social networking websites, particularly Facebook, are seeing great success from behavioural advertising as are companies who have organised for display ads to follow their target audience.


One of the most unsurprising predictions coming from the world of PPC is that the industry is set to get bigger. More and more businesses are investing in ecommerce and there are a significant proportion of those already operating online who haven't clocked on to the benefits of PPC. This growth could potentially result in higher premiums for effective PPC management.

Of course, these predictions are all educated guesses. Only the major players such as Google, Facebook et al. will be truly in the know when it comes to the future of PPC. However, it's difficult to argue that that the platform won't play some sort of role in online advertising as the years go on.


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Source: http://www.xaviermedia.com/webbing/2012/12/24/what-lies-in-the-future-for-pay-per-click/

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