বুধবার, ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Daily Kos: Midday open thread

  • Today's comic is The Avenging Uterus vs. Rush Limbaugh by Matt Bors:
  • Registering to vote just got easier. With this little widget, you can fill out a registration form, print it off and mail it in ... or, if you're lucky enough to be in a state where you can register online, it will take you directly to your Secretary of State's website. Do it now! And share it with family and friends. Remember, as Rep. John Lewis said, voting is "the most powerful, nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union."
  • Another day, another Republican sex scandal. This one involves brothels.
  • Our children is not learning:
    Reading scores on the SAT for the high school class of 2012 reached a four-decade low, putting a punctuation mark on a gradual decline in the ability of college-bound teens to read passages and answer questions about sentence structure, vocabulary and meaning on the college entrance exam.
  • Jesus-y:
    Next week, a key player in the passage of Proposition 8 ? a man who has decried the "contraceptive mentality" of modern life ? will become the leader of the Catholic Church here in the city that thrust same-sex marriage onto the national stage, the birthplace of the Summer of Love. [...]

    Cordileone's appointment "re-emphasizes the Vatican's concern, and the U.S. bishops' concern, about gay marriage," said Father Thomas J. Reese, a senior fellow at Georgetown University's Woodstock Theological Center. "Even in a city like San Francisco, they're willing to appoint someone who ? has a high state and national profile on this issue. [...]

    But in a recent interview at the headquarters of the Oakland diocese, where he has served as bishop for three years, Cordileone was more direct: Gays and lesbians who are in sexual relationships of any kind, he said, should not receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, the central ritual of Catholic life.

    "If we misuse the gift of sexuality, we're going to suffer the consequences," he said, "and I firmly believe we are suffering the consequences."

  • Obama is just like Hitler again.
  • Fun fact:
    According to historian Thomas Fleming, Andrew Jackson was the first presidential candidate to use campaign buttons, in 1828 #HotlineSort
    ? @HotlineReid via UberSocial for iPhone
  • Einstein's brain?there's an app for that:
    While Albert Einstein's genius isn't included, an exclusive iPad application launched Tuesday promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who's curious also can get a look.
  • Klassy:
    While attending the Monday launch of a campaign focused on getting teens away from drugs and alcohol, Staten Island Borough President James Molinaro singled out entertainer Lady Gaga for her alleged drug use, and called the international pop star a "slut."
  • Whoa:
    A pair of surveys asked Americans a more concrete question: in 1960, whether they would be ?displeased? if their child married someone outside their political party, and, in 2010, would be ?upset? if their child married someone of the other party. In 1960, about 5 percent of Americans expressed a negative reaction to party intermarriage; in 2010, about 40 percent did (Republicans about 50 percent, Democrats about 30 percent).
  • Awwwwwwwww.
  • Public service announcement:
  • On today's Kagro in the Morning show, Greg Dworkin on the Poll Truthers' obsession with "unskewing" the polls. Romney's j/k about those power windows on airplanes! Florida cracks down on voting-while-Dem. And Rand Paul still wants a standing o for one hour of "tireless work" on his filibuster. Also: click here for details on how you can help support Daily Kos Radio at no cost to you!
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Source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/09/25/1136193/-Midday-open-thread

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